I realized in order to achieve maximum potential, it is imperative that “Healing” (emotional, psychological, spiritual, and physical) in all areas must occur, before one can truly create balance.

Meet Tara
The first therapist that many women talk too is while sitting in their Favorite Hair Stylists chair. I began my pursuit of helping women transform their lives, build self esteem and heal emotionally as a hairstylist over 29 years ago, and I have been helping women overcome obstacles ever since. I have helped thousands of women over the years overcome issues related to health and beauty, debilitating emotional, spiritual, relational and financial obstacles.
My Coaching career began over 11 years ago, mainly because I wanted to better equipped myself academically, in efforts to help women maximize their potential in “Every Area” of their life. Consequently, I realized in order to achieve maximum potential, it is imperative that “Healing” (emotional, psychological, spiritual, and physical) in all areas must occur, before one can truly create balance. Balance will create synergy, and synergy produces the momentum to achieve your maximum potential, therefore creating the life that you always imaged and more.

I Help Women Win!
Upcoming Events
- Sat, Feb 08Online Via Zoom:
- Sat, Feb 08Augusta
- Sat, Jan 11AugustaBreak free from unwanted cycles at our Breaking Unwanted Cycles event! Join us for an empowering session focused on identifying and understanding the root of personal cycles you wish to change. Your $65 ticket includes refreshments, a copy of Breaking Unwanted Cycles, a notebook, and a vision board
- Sat, Nov 18Kroc Center of Augusta Room 40Join Tara and other women as she leads the discussion on "Let’s Make It Count. Finishing Strong " Prepare for 2024
- Sat, Jul 15AugustaJoin Tara and other women as she leads the discussion on Knowing the "What's vs. Why's"
- Sat, Apr 15The Salvation Army Kroc Center of AugustJoin Tara and other women as she leads the discussion on Everything Matters "Mind over Matter"
- Sat, Jan 21Destiny Life Management Conference RoomJoin Tara and other women as she leads the discussion on breaking unwanted cycles, personal development, and spiritual development.
- Sat, Jan 16Online Event
- Mon, Jan 04Location is TBDRediscover Revive and Relaunch your Life 4 week intensive Online Group for women struggling with Clarification, Vision, Relationships, and Personal Growth..
- Thu, Dec 24Session
- Sat, Mar 28Legends Club
- Sat, Mar 28Diamond Lakes Regional Park
- Sat, Jan 18The Kroc Center
- Sat, Dec 28The Painted Lady Bed and Breakfast VenueA 20/20 Vision Spiritual Empowerment Workshop for women. The purpose for this event is to confront and conquer the barriers from the past and 2019 to properly, heal, plan and prosper in 2020. Light food will be served.
- Fri, Feb 15Tara T. StallingsCalling All Singles and Dating Singles ...it’s time to come together and have some fun. Coffee Tea or Me Presents Canvas, Conversation and Connections February 15th at Maserati Event Center. Painting , Relationship/ Trivia; Male vs Female, food, cash bar,music and more. must be 25 and old
- Sat, Feb 09Tara T. StallingsGuest Speaker at the Delta Alpha Sigma, Sigma Gamma Tho Sorority Inc Rhosebud Club mother Daughter Event
- Sat, Jan 19Augusta University, JSAC BallroomStrategies for success (mind, body and soul), personal & professional financial tips, sales & marketing techniques